International Society for the Appreciation of Teacher Wark’s Amazing Techniques (ISATWAT)

Not as good as the critical excoriation of me written by an actual former student and included on the dust jacket!
– McKenzie (“Spank Me Harder”) Wark, 27 May 2013

(Isn’t he a cutie? In case you can’t tell, he’s the one with his eyes closed!)*

Welcome to the homepage of ISATWAT, which was conceived, produced, designed and written by McKenzie Wark’s students (that’s us!). One way or another, we have all learned a lot from Mr. Wark, especially his books about the Situationist International, and we felt it was a super-awesome idea to get together and make this homepage a reality.

As our name indicates (duh!), we are kids from all over the world who appreciate the amazing techniques Mr. Wark uses to teach us about really important stuff, like the neutering of revolutionary theory, the trivialization of exemplary action and the mindless use of capitalism’s latest products, gadgets and fads.

We hope you like it and will tell all your friends about the awesomeness that is McKenzie Wark and ISATWAT!

– Judy Barnes, head cheerleader (judithbarnes1975 @

Appreciation for the Guy Debord Action Figure

Stunted Publicity
How Can Celebrity Be Stopped Once It Has Started?
McKenzie Wark’s Wonderful Figurine
A Case of Situationism
A Modestly Cynical Account of Things to Be Produced and Consumed Immediately At Any Cost Whatsoever
Why We Fight

Appreciation for Interviews, Tweets and Facebook Postings

McKenzie Wark and the Curators of Decay
McKenzie Wark Responds
Non Serviam (McKenzie Wark is Full of Shit)

Appreciation for Books on the Situationist International

The Beach beneath the Street: The Everyday Life and Glorious Times of the Situationist International
Is McKenzie Wark a Plagiarist?
Five Major Omissions and Thirty-Four Factual Errors in McKenzie Wark’s The Spectacle of Disintegration

Appreciation for Faking a Disruption of His Own Event

No War But the Classroom War

(The Pro-Situs Cower Before Great Teacher Wark and His Glorious Proletarian Hero Action Figure)

(Great Cultural Counter-Revolution: Teacher Wark Shaming Pro-Situ Critics)

(The Great Teacher Imparts the Wisdom of Warkist-Situationism To Joyful Workers and Students)

(One Day I Will Be Turned Into a 3D Action Figurine)

*On 27 May 2013, the Great Teacher tweeted “I’d rather they left my family out of it.” Of course what the Great Teacher meant to say was, “I wish I didn’t let my wife convince me to be part of the publicity campaign for her play.” For that’s what this photo is (click it and you will see): publicity for a play called Babylove. And baby, we love it!
